Plot: Amami's character is going to be that of a legendary musical star who just returned to Japan after several setbacks on the Broadway in New York. Back home, she's going to use all of her energy and experience to help a Mamasan Korus called "Chansons" from having to break up. In order to do that, she...
Plot: Wagaya no Rekishi is a Japanese three-part television mini-series, shown on Fuji TV from April 9, 2010 to April 11, 2010 to celebrate its 50th Anniversary. The show was known for its star-st cast. Wikipedia
Plot: Top Caster is a Japanese television drama series that aired on Fuji TV in 2006. YÅ«ki Amami, who is known for The Queen's Classroom played the lead role for the first time in getsuku drama. The first episode received a viewership rating of 23.1%. Wikipedia
Plot: There is a new directive that stipulates all interrogations by the cops should be recorded. The cops gather at their headquarters to ostensibly be trained on what this means for their work. They are told to interrogate suspects correctly, but witness one who seemingly regrets nothing. When the interrogation...
Plot: The Queen's Classroom is a live-action Japanese television drama about Maya Akutsu, a new teacher at Hanzaki Elementary School who strives for perfection and punishes her students in unorthodox manners. Wikipedia