Plot: The daughter of a noodle shop owner has a crush on traveling ninja fighter Garu. Every time she steals a kiss she increases her amazing Pucca powers. Garu, meanwhile, spends his time trying to avoid Pucca and her kisses, to concentrate on developing his mastery of kung fu and fighting his nemesis, Tobe...
Plot: Eight-year-old twins, Neal and Tara, accidentally wake Astra, a superhero in hibernation. They must now help Astra defeat evil forces and giant monsters that threaten the universe.
Plot: This follow-up to the popular "Teen Titans" series takes a more comedic look at the superheroes, showing what life is like for the teens when their capes come off. Funny things happen to Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and Cyborg between saving the world and being regular teens, living together without...
Plot: A retired circus bear decides to live a quiet life in the forest. However, when Masha, a sprightly young girl, enters the forest, his peaceful life is interrupted.