Plot: Making the Cut was a Canadian reality series that followed a group of amateur ice hockey players through a rigorous training session. The first season was broadcast on CBC Television in 2004. In 2006, the second season was moved to Global where its name was expanded to Making the Cut: Last Man Standing...
Plot: NHL on SportsChannel America was the presentation of National Hockey League broadcasts on the now defunct SportsChannel Americacable television network. Wikipedia
Plot: NHL on Sportsnet is the blanket title for presentations of the National Hockey League broadcast held by a Canadian media corporation, Rogers Communications showing on its television channel Sportsnet and other networks owned by or affiliated with its Rogers Media division as well as the Sportsnet Radio...
Plot: CFL on CBC was a presentation of Canadian Football League football aired on CBC Television. CBC held broadcast rights for the CFL from 1952 to 2007. The exclusive broadcasting rights for the league moved to TSN starting from the 2008 CFL season. Wikipedia
Plot: The Summit Series, or Super Series, known at the time simply as the CanadaâUSSR Series, was an eight-game ice hockey series between the Soviet Union and Canada, held in September 1972. Wikipedia
Plot: Wednesday Night Hockey is the branding used for National Hockey League games that air on NBCSN on Wednesday nights during the regular season. In the 2012â13 NHL season, NBCSN rebranded their coverage of Wednesday night games as Wednesday Night Rivalry. Wikipedia