Plot: Each member of the Cuddlies represents a different emotion often experienced in the life of a toddler. These four characters allow toddlers to become familiar with different emotions and feelings.
Plot: A series of familiar puzzles and games from a toddler's environment, which are delightfully animated to give an enchanting introduction to first concepts.
Plot: Charles Dickens' classic tale about an orphan boy who comes to London in search of his mysterious benefactor. The young Oliver is sucked into London's seedy underworld and falls into the clutches of Fagan and his young accomplices, including the irrepressible Artful Dodger.
Plot: The Baby Butterfly and its animal friends remember funny times together. Together, they can overcome all problems because they know that the most important thing is their friendship.
Plot: Accompanied by a series of original songs Zoe goes on various journeys, and on each journey she comes across a new area and a new animal that lives there. Through music Zoe points out the characteristics of each new animal.
Plot: Four adorable animals perform fun plays in their magical theatre world. The friends travel to different parts of the world, and share fascinating stories and facts about the traditions and customs of other cultures.