Plot: The Rover K-series engine is a series of internal combustion engines built by Powertrain Ltd, a sister company of MG Rover. The engine was a straight-four cylinder built in two forms, SOHC and DOHC, ranging from 1.1 to 1.8 L; 67.9 to 109.6 cu in. Wikipedia
Plot: Rise of Empires: Ottoman is a Turkish historical docudrama, starring Cem Yiğit Üzümoğlu and Tommaso Basili. Its first season, which consists of 6 episodes, is directed by Emre Şahin and written by Kelly McPherson. The series became available for streaming on Netflix on 24 January 2020. Wikipedia...
Plot: Paranormal television is a genre of reality television. Its scope comprises purportedly factual investigations of paranormal phenomena, rather than fictional representations found in such shows and films as The Ghosts of Motley Hall, Ghostbusters, Scooby-Doo and Rentaghost. Wikipedia
Plot: Ertugrul, the son of the leader of the nomadic Kazi tribe, rescues three people. But their arrival creates trouble and finding a new place for them leads to the foundation of the Ottomon Empire