Plot: Seibu Keisatsu Special is a television drama produced by Ishihara Promotions and broadcast on TV Asahi. The show aired on Japanese television on October 31, 2004, in conjunction with the 17th anniversary of the death of Yujiro Ishihara. It carries on the Seibu Keisatsu series, which was broadcast from...
Plot: Dandy is a fashionable space explorer on the hunt for aliens that have never been seen previously. For every new species Dandy discovers, he gets a significant reward. But he's not the only one searching for the aliens, and he must be quick because alien hunting is a first come, first served profession...
Plot: Housewife Miyazawa Tomomi, her husband out of a job, loses her treasured home as her family is forced to do with less during the recession. Her one ray of sunshine is her upcoming middle school class reunion, where she hopes to meet old friends as well as old flames. The class reunion, however, turns...