Plot: In misty Rudrakund, the brutal murder of a school student pushes troubled teacher Jayant Parekh and cop Ratna Sankhawar to unravel a web of sinister secrets involving rave parties, cold cases, a demon in the woods and a hallucinogen, Candy The horrific murder of a high-school student in Rudrakund forces...
Plot: Yuk Keep Smile at Indonesian variety show aired to Trans TV. The show go premier of August 31, 2013 at the successor Yuk Kita Sahur, which previously air as the suhoor show of Ramadan. The show usually host and stars many artists, to present different guest stars each day. Wikipedia
Plot: Yusra dan Yumna is an Indonesian soap opera that aired on RCTI Monday-Friday at 19:00 pm. This soap opera produced by SinemArt, and stars such as: Nikita Willy, Putri Titian, Rezky Aditya, Nadya Almira, ... Wikipedia