Plot: Panorama is a British current affairs documentary programme aired on BBC Television. First broadcast in 1953, it is the world's longest-running news television programme. Panorama has been presented by many well known BBC presenters, including Richard Dimbleby, Robin Day, David Dimbleby and Jeremy Vine...
Plot: Teleexpress is the second news program of the TVP, broadcast daily on TVP1 and on TVP Info at 17:00 / 5:00PM. Until June 1992, it was broadcast at 17:15 / 5:15PM. It may broadcasts at different hours on TVP1 if the schedule of some sporting events that the channel broadcast interfere with the usual...
Plot: WiadomoÅci is the chief Polish news program produced by Telewizja Polska and broadcast on the first channel, TVP1. The main edition is transmitted daily at 7:30 p.m. CET. It premiered on 18 November 1989 and s쳮ded the Dziennik Telewizyjny, which was aired during the communist era for over...