Plot: Faza Navardan is an Iranian television series directed by Iranian actors Siamak Ansari and Peyman Ghasem Khani. The word Faza Navardan is the plural form of Faza-Navard, meaning astronauts in Persian. Wikipedia
Plot: The Green Journey is a 2001 Iranian drama TV series directed by Mohammad Hossein Latifi. The cast includes Parsa Pirouzfar, Mohammad Reza Sharifinia, Amin Tarokh, Sara Khoeniha and Gohar Kheirandish. The Green Journey was aired in 15 episodes in 2001. IRIB's Channel 3 broadcast the TV series in 2001...
Plot: This movie/documentary represents emotional and happy moments with school seniors on the day of farewell. Representing Past and Present of School life, done in the most cinematic way possible.
Plot: Exposes the web of intrigues that are prevalent in the life of the affluent in the various aspect of politics, economics and the social lives of these families.