Plot: Suri Hati Mr. Pilot is a drama that aired in MegaDrama slot on Monday to Thursday at 10 pm Astro Ria Ria 104 and HD 123. This drama is an adaptation of the novel Suri Hati Mr. Pilot written by Dyla Dyna and published by Kaki Novel Enterprise. The drama's director is Michael Ang and Hadith Omar. Wikipedia...
Plot: Nur is a 2018 Malaysian television drama series directed by Shahrulezad Mohameddin, starring Amyra Rosli as the titular role and Syafiq Kyle as Ustaz Adam. The series focuses on the relationship between a pious man and a prostitute who practices her faith in an unconventional manner. Wikipedia
Plot: Nur is a 2018 Malaysian television drama series directed by Shahrulezad Mohameddin, starring Amyra Rosli as the titular role and Syafiq Kyle as Ustaz Adam. The series focuses on the relationship between a pious man and a prostitute who practices her faith in an unconventional manner. Wikipedia