Plot: The Matty Johns Show was an Australian variety television show largely focused on the National Rugby League competition, starring former professional rugby league footballer Matthew "Matty" Johns. It first aired in 2010 on Thursdays at 7.30 pm in New South Wales and Queensland, on the Seven Network...
Plot: Sunday Night with Matty Johns is an Australian sports television series aired on Fox Sports on 4 March 2013. The show previously on Monday nights, but changed to Sunday night in 2018. The show expanded to two nights a week on Thursday 5 March 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Narrow World of Sports is an Australian sports television show broadcast on Fox League on Friday nights at the conclusion of the nights NRL fixture. Wikipedia
Plot: Coverage of the award winning sports variety show from Australia. Paul Vautin and the gang present NRL news, interviews and comedy sketches each week.
Plot: NRL 360's Paul Kent and Ben Iken are back. Every Tuesday viewers will hear from Benji Marshall and Mick Ennis. Wednesday is Coaches Night featuring Manly head coach Geoff Toovey. Thursday features legends of the game with Mark Gasnier.
Plot: Nine's Wide World of Sports is a long running sports anthology brand on Australian television, aired on the Nine Network. All major sports, events and series covered by the network are broadcast under this brand, the flagship sports being rugby league and Australian Open Tennis. Wikipedia