Plot: White-tailed deer, arguably the most popular big-game species to hunt, are covered from antler to toe in this series, which is an extension of the same-named and longtime-published magazine. Co-hosts Stan Potts and Gordon Whittington provide authoritative coverage of world-class trophy hunting adventures...
Plot: Remi Warren and Tim Burnett strike out alone into the wild to self-film their hunting adventures. One man on the mountain documenting, the adventure, journey, survival, and the elements alone. No camera men or production crews. SOLO Hunter shows the reality of hunting, adventure, and often survival....
Plot: "North American Fisherman" is the official television program of the North American Fishing Club and is hosted by nationally recognized fisherman Steve Pennaz. Guest stars join Pennaz to target a different fish species in a variety of locations in the U.S. as well as the Canadian Provinces, Central...
Plot: A healthy appetite and a willing palate are essential traits for fans of "MeatEater." From hunting turkey in Florida and elk in Kentucky, to grizzlies in British Columbia and antelope in New Mexico, avid outdoorsman, author and TV personality Steven Rinella pursues a wide variety of prey during thrill...