Plot: Dagsrevyen is the daily evening news programme for the Norwegian television channel NRK1, the main channel of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, broadcast at 19:00. In 2007, the programme started airing simultaneously on NRK's dedicated news channel NRK2, but this arrangement ended that same year...
Plot: Brennpunkt is a Norwegian investigative documentary series that has aired on NRK1 since 1996, except for a hiatus in 2007. The series was originally hosted by Håkon Haugsbø, and from 2014 by Jeanette Platou. Wikipedia
Plot: Ten Norwegian musicians competes in different musical genres. The contestants will be voted on by the audience for the next episode, and the contestant with the fewest votes will move out of the competition.
Plot: The 113 series is a Japanese suburban electric multiple unit train type introduced in 1963 by Japanese National Railways, currently operated by West Japan Railway Company and Shikoku Railway Company, and formerly also operated by East Japan Railway Company and Central Japan Railway Company. Wikipedia...
Plot: Norwegian version of the reality show in which six women and six men are thrown together to survive as farmers without the luxuries of running water, electricity and mobile telephones.