Plot: `Love, Nina' is Nick Hornby's television adaptation of the award-winning book by Nina Stibbe. The story is set in 1982 and follows 20-year-old Nina, a nanny who moves from Leicester to north London for a new role. George, a single working mother and editor of a London literary review, interviews Nin...
Plot: C à vous is a TV show hosted by Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine that has been broadcast on the channel France 5 since 7 September 2009, from Monday to Friday at 7 p.m.. The name is a pun on the French expression "C'est à vous". The show is shot in an informal format in a Parisian loft. Wikipedia
Plot: While in exile in Italy, an African woman finds herself trying to get back home and free her imprisoned husband. But the only man that can help her do so is in love with her.
Plot: At first glance, these neighbours seem completely normal but they have some secrets to hide, such as quarrels, forbidden liaisons and intense jealousy.