Plot: Musashi, the Samurai Lord, known in Japanese as Karakuri KengÅ Den Musashi Lord, is an anime series by Studio Pierrot. The 50-episode series aired on Nippon Television from October 1990 to September 1991. The series stars, Musashi, a "gimmick robot". In the country of Zipangu every person...
Plot: Okawari-Boy Starzan S, or simply Starzan S, is an anime created by Tatsunoko Productions from an idea by veteran studio director Hiroshi Sasagawa. Wikipedia
Plot: I'm Gonna Be An Angel! is an anime produced by Studio Pierrot. A manga was also released in Japan in 1999. The anime was licensed for release in the United States by Synch-Point, but its domestic distribution license has since expired. Wikipedia
Plot: Urikupen Kyūjotai is a 1974 anime television series produced by Tatsunoko Productions and directed by Hiroshi Sasagawa. The series premiered on Fuji TV on September 30, 1974 and ended on March 29, 1975. Wikipedia
Plot: Harris no Kaze is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tetsuya Chiba, serialized in Weekly ShÅnen Magazine in 1965. It was the first manga to be reprinted as a TankÅbon in 1967 as part of the Kodansha Comics series. Wikipedia
Plot: Oraa Guzura Dado is a comedy manga series which was serialized on Weekly ShÅnen Sunday in 1967. The manga was based on Hiroshi Sasagawa's one-shot "Onboro KaijÅ« Guzura" published in the same magazine the previous year as the clumsy and straightforward character of Guzura was very popular...
Plot: The Song of Tentomushi is manga series by Noboru Kawasaki published from 1973 to 1975 by Shogakukan in their elementary school study magazines in the Shogakukan no GakushÅ Zasshi series. The manga was collected in four volumes. An anime series adapted from the manga was created by Tatsunoko...
Plot: Ippatsu Kanta-kun is an anime created by Tatsunoko Productions in partnership with Topcraft. Along with Temple the Balloonist, it was one of the last works for which Tatsunoko co-founder Tatsuo Yoshida was credited as a creator; Yoshida died before the series began airing. Wikipedia
Plot: Tensai Bakabon is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Fujio Akatsuka, which began publication on April 9, 1967, in Weekly ShÅnen Magazine. It is about the misadventures of a dim-witted boy and his idiotic father, the latter of whom eventually becomes the central character. Wikipedia...
Plot: Dokachin the Primitive Boy is an anime created by Tatsunoko Productions. A prehistoric boy, his family and a chunk of land from the past, were accidentally brought to the present time by a scientist's time-travel experiments. Wikipedia
Plot: Dokkiri Doctor, also known as Startling Doctor or Dr. Dokkiri, is a manga series by Fujihiko Hosono, serialized from 1981 to 1982 in Weekly ShÅnen Sunday. It was later adapted into a 27-episode anime television series by Pierrot, originally broadcast on Fuji TV from October 1998 to June 1999...
Plot: Chikkun Takkun is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shotaro Ishinomori. It was adapted into a 23-episode anime television series which was produced by Gakken and Fuji Television, ... Wikipedia
Plot: Marude Dameo is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kenji Morita. The series stars an elementary school boy named Dameo Marude, who has little success with anything he tries, and a robot named Borot, which is good with housekeeping. Wikipedia
Plot: In the background of a conflict to preserve history from those who seek to alter it, a group of living swords in human form attempt to find peace and happiness in their daily lives.
Plot: Magical Hat is an anime series by Studio Pierrot. The 33 episode series aired on Fuji Television from October 18, 1989, to July 6, 1990. The series stars Hat, the descendant of a hero who fought an evil king and sealed Devildom. Hat falls into Devildom and finds he has to defeat the evil king. Wikipedia...
Plot: Anmitsu Hime is a manga series by Shosuke Kurakane. The original manga was serialized between 1949 and 1955. In 1986, Izumi Takemoto retold the original manga series, releasing it under the same title and simultaneously with the anime adaptation. Wikipedia