Plot: Thierry la Fronde was a French television series that aired from 1963 to 1966 on the television station, ORTF. The original script was by Jean-Claude Deret. Wikipedia
Plot: A remake of "All in the Family" spin-off "Maude" stars Rosy Varte as the French version of Maude Findlay, Maguy Boissier. Maguy Boissier is an independent woman living in the mid-80's through early 90's. Witty and sarcastic, she lives with her likeable husband, George, and works at the town...
Plot: The New Adventures of Vidocq is a historical crime television series which originally ran between 1971 and 1973. It was a co-production between France and West Germany, with shooting taking place partly at the Bavaria Studios in Munich. Wikipedia
Plot: In Paris, a parking enforcement officer is tired of handing out tickets. While walking the city's streets, she finds herself embroiled in intrigues and decides to act alone in her investigations to the exasperation of her department head.
Plot: The Tiger Brigades is a period crime television series which originally ran between 1974 and 1983. Created by Claude Desailly it follows the activities of a police squad in the early twentieth century. In 2006 a film Les Brigades du Tigre was released, inspired by the television series. Wikipedia
Plot: Arsène Lupin is a fictional gentleman thief and master of disguise created in 1905 by French writer Maurice Leblanc. He was originally called Arsène Lopin, until a local politician of the same name protested. The character was first introduced in a series of short stories serialized in the magazine...
Plot: The Aeronauts was a French children's TV series about two fighter jet pilots in French Air Force, Michel Tanguy and Ernest Laverdure and their adventures. It was based on a comic book series by Jean-Michel Charlier and Albert Uderzo titled Tanguy et Laverdure. Wikipedia