Plot: Alcoa Premiere is an American anthology drama series that aired from October 1961 to July 1963 on ABC. The series was hosted by Fred Astaire, who also starred in several of the episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: At a luxurious but remote tropical island resort, the enigmatic Mr. Roarke somehow makes the secret dreams of his well-heeled guests come true, although twists of fate occasionally turn those dreams into nightmares. He is assisted by Tattoo, a little person who could be trusted to sing out, "Da plane...
Plot: A modernized reboot of the 1980s primetime soap follows two of America's wealthiest families, the Carringtons and the Colbys, as they feud for control over their fortune and their children. Told primarily through the perspectives of two women at odds -- Fallon Carrington, daughter of billionaire Blake...
Plot: Dr. David Banner is a widowed scientist caught in the middle of an experiment gone bad. As a result, whenever Banner gets extremely upset or stressed out, he turns into a huge green monster called the Incredible Hulk, with awesome strength and rage to match. To keep from being discovered, Banner lives...
Plot: A retired detective and forensics expert, Barnaby Jones, returns to the field to track down his son's murderer. This time, he is accompanied by his widowed daughter-in-law, Betty.
Plot: Like the novel and film of the same name, this nighttime soap opera is set in the small New England town of Peyton Place, whose quaint charm masks a complicated web of extramarital affairs, shady business deals, scandals, even murder. Over the show's four-season run, relationships shatter and shift...
Plot: In the mid-1980s, the U.S. is poised on the brink of nuclear war. This shadow looms over the residents of a small town in Kansas as they continue their daily lives. Dr. Russell Oakes (Jason Robards) maintains his busy schedule at the hospital, Denise Dahlberg prepares for her upcoming wedding, and...
Plot: Ghost Story was an American television horror anthology series that aired for one season on NBC from 1972 to 1973. Executive-produced by William Castle, Ghost Story featured supernatural entities such as ghosts, vampires, and witches. Wikipedia
Plot: The ABC Movie of the Week was a weekly television anthology series featuring made-for-TV movies, that aired on the ABC network in various permutations from 1969 to 1975. Wikipedia
Plot: The Starlost is a Canadian-produced science fiction television series created by writer Harlan Ellison and broadcast in 1973 on CTV in Canada and syndicated to local stations in the United States. The show's setting is a huge generational colony spacecraft called Earthship Ark, which has gone off course...
Plot: The NBC Monday Movie was a television anthology series of films that debuted on February 4, 1963. It was referred to as Monday Night at the Movies prior to the mid-1980s. Wikipedia
Plot: The ABC Sunday Night Movie is a television program that aired on Sunday nights, first for a brief time in 1962 under the title Hollywood Special to supposedly replace an open time slot for the TV show Bus Stop, which was cancelled after March 1962. Wikipedia
Plot: In an idyllic utopia whose peace and stability hinge upon control of monogamy, privacy, money, family and history itself, everyone belongs to everyone else. Conditioned from birth at the Hatchery, residents of New London are assigned a letter of the Greek alphabet and relegated to predetermined life...
Plot: The Stockard Channing Show is an American sitcom television series starring Stockard Channing, Ron Silver, Sydney Goldsmith, Max Showalter and Jack Somack. The show first aired on CBS from March 24 to July 12, 1980, with 13 episodes produced. Wikipedia
Plot: Clary and the team search for the final Mortal Instrument, whilst Isabelle fears Max is growing up too fast. Maia struggles with her feelings for Simon.
Plot: Mexican historian Alejandro Zayas (Ricardo Montalban), marine archeologist Christofer Perdeger (Keir Dullea) and scuba diver Ray Sandage (Aron Kincaid) are looking for treasure. Somewhere on the coast of the Bahamas is a sunken Spanish galleon, and it's filled with gold. But they're not the only ones...