Plot: This unscripted, adrenaline-packed medical drama -- from executive producer Terence Wrong -- provides access to top-tier trauma teams in emergency and operating rooms of prestigious Boston hospitals, including Massachusetts General, Boston Medical Center, and Brigham and Women's. Skilled professionals...
Plot: This series focuses on topics related to health care, immigration, the workplace and politics, complete with personal stories that illustrate a transforming American culture and its diversity. Episodes include "Chisholm '72," which documents the story of the first black woman to run for president; "...
Plot: "Doc World" is a weekly showcase that brings international documentaries to an American audience. Produced by WORLD Channel, with funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, stories offer a unique and contemporary view into the realities of people and societies from many nations. Episodes...
Plot: Modern and traditional reservation life, including how native communities work toward food sovereignty and renewable energy sources and how they adapt to climate change.
Plot: Chef Kevin Belton's new cooking series -- inspired by the vibrant festivals of New Orleans and its surrounding region -- showcases the unique food and multicultural heritage of the city. In his courtyard kitchen at WYES-TV studios, Belton prepares some of the best food booth favorites unique to the...
Plot: As the title suggests, a series of documentaries resembles an independent film festival in its diversity of subject matter, from hula dancing to crossword mania as captured by a roster of edgy and creative filmmakers.
Plot: An artist and furniture maker with more than 20 years experience in the field demonstrates how to make fun, funky projects without having all the fancy, expensive shop tools.
Plot: Independent documentary films about the American South focus on its history, people, culture and landscape. Highlighting the Southern tradition of storytelling, the series emphasizes the region's diverse voices and points of view. Some segments include an old-time barn dance in North Carolina; the...