Plot: This long-running, award-winning documentary series focuses on science - the speculation, history and researchers associated with it and its many applications. Inspired by the BBC documentary program `Horizons', the U.S. series frequently features interviews with scientists directly involved in the...
Plot: Buitenhof is a Dutch political interview programme produced by AVROTROS, BNNVARA and VPRO Netherlands Public Broadcasting and is broadcast on NPO 1 on Sunday afternoons, immediately after the short midday edition of NOS Journaal. Wikipedia
Plot: Judge John Reid solves disputes and conflicts between citizens and neighbors. Mr. Reid examines the challenged situation and hears both parties. Finally, he makes an official legal judgement that both parties are bound to comply with.
Plot: Nieuwsuur is a Dutch current affairs television program produced for the NPO by the public broadcasters NOS and NTR. It is broadcast daily between 9.30 pm and 10 pm on NPO 2. Wikipedia