Plot: Giyani: Land of Blood is a South African telenovela drama series created by Tshedza Pictures. It is the very first Xitsonga drama series made since the advent of Television in South Africa. It began airing on 1 April 2019 on SABC 2. The cast includes Yvonne Chaka Chaka and Ndivhuwo Mutsila. Wikipedia...
Plot: A weekly Xitsonga show, the first of its kind, addressing social challenges in modern day South Africa. It gives a personal face and attaches heart and emotion to topics through a gentle but conversant host.
Plot: Hectic Nine-9 is a South African teen television live interactive magazine show produced by Okuhle Media for SABC 2. It is the second longest running youth program of the SABC. The program focuses on the latest local and international celebrity news and gossip, trending topics, games, music and fashion...
Plot: Nolo leaves his rural birthplace to secure his birthright: his father's name. He eventually settles in Alex, where he gets caught up in the dog-eat-dog world of a township on fire with protests and despair.
Plot: 7de Laan is a South African Afrikaans soap opera created by Danie Odendaal and produced by Danie Odendaal Productions. The series focuses on the lives of residents staying in and around the community of 7de Laan, in the suburb of Hillside. Wikipedia
Plot: Muvhango is a South African television soap opera, created by Duma Ndlovu. It is broadcast on the public TV channel SABC 2, and has an average of 4 million daily viewers. The first episode was aired on 7 April 1997. Wikipedia
Plot: Generations: The Legacy is a South African soap opera created and produced by Mfundi Vundla. It is a remake of the soap opera Generations, also created and produced by Vundla, but with more and different characters, different settings and different tones. Wikipedia