Plot: The Emmy-winning "Inside the NFL" series has been going strong for well over 30 years, even after moving from HBO to Showtime before the 2008 NFL season. The cast may change every few years, with various hosts and analysts offering their take on football action, but the content has remained fairly...
Plot: An NFL Films production, "NFL Matchup" is definitely a show for football junkies. Unlike traditional football preview programs, this one gives fans an in-depth look at some of Sunday's games by breaking down the strategy and tactics -- the Xs and Os -- through the exclusive use of team-supplied footage...
Plot: Since 2004, Colin Cowherd has provided his unique take on the latest sports happenings on "The Herd," his daily ESPN Radio show, and from 2009-2012 did the same on TV on ESPN2's "SportsNation." With this weekly show, airing Sunday mornings during football season, Colin focuses on the weekend's college...
Plot: The NFL Films Game of the Week, formerly known as the NFL Game of the Week, was a television program that aired from 1965 to 2007. The show presented one or two NFL games from the previous week compressed into a one-hour program. Wikipedia
Plot: Mike Tirico hosts this primer for NBC's Sunday night NFL telecast, along with the announcing crew of Al Michaels, Cris Collinsworth and Michele Tafoya. Tirico holds down the studio fort by presenting highlight packages of the day's games and soliciting input from analysts Tony Dungy and Rodney Harrison...
Plot: The NFL Films Game of the Week, formerly known as the NFL Game of the Week, was a television program that aired from 1965 to 2007. The show presented one or two NFL games from the previous week compressed into a one-hour program. Wikipedia
Plot: NFL Classics is a series of videotaped rebroadcasts of National Football League games that air on the NFL Network. The show airs weekly during the offseason and also occasionally during the NFL season. As of the 2010, the series airs on Monday night while Super Bowl Classics airs on Friday night. Wikipedia...
Plot: The NFL on CBS is the branding used for broadcasts of National Football League games that are produced by CBS Sports, the sports division of the CBS television network in the United States. The network has aired NFL game telecasts since 1956. Wikipedia