Plot: Police Cadet '84 is a 1984 TVB police drama TV series which starred then up and coming stars such as Tony Leung, Maggie Cheung, Carina Lau, and Sean Lau. The story centers on young police cadets struggles and life at the Police Cadet Academy. Tragedy, romance, conflicts, and intrigues were featured...
Plot: The Return of Wong Fei Hung is a 1984 Hong Kong martial arts television series produced by TVB and starring Andy Lau. Despite Wong Fei-hung being part of the English title, Wong is only a supporting character in the series while the protagonist is his famed disciple Lam Sai-wing, portrayed by Lau....
Plot: Police Cadet '85 is a 1985 TVB police drama TV series starring Tony Leung as male lead and Margie Tsang as female lead with Carina Lau, Chow Yun-fat, Jaime Chik, and Simon Yam in supporting roles. This is the 1st sequel and 2nd series in the Police Cadet trilogy. Wikipedia
Plot: Take Care, Your Highness! is a 1985 Hong Kong historical drama television series produced by TVB and starring Andy Lau in the title role of Kin-lung Emperor, the sixth emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Wikipedia
Plot: The Other Side of the Horizon is a 1984 Hong Kong wuxia television series starring Andy Lau, Lawrence Ng and Angie Chiu. Produced by TVB with Raymond Lee serving as producer, the series ran on its channel Jade from 3 to 28 September 1984. Wikipedia