Plot: A corner bookstore in a small town may hold clues to a woman who went missing after going to Teapot Mountain alone years ago. Hsiang Shu-Lei (Wei Lee) was dating Tu Ke-Chieh (Tracy Chou) but had an affair with her friend, Tung Hsin-Ni (Chloe Wang). A corner bookstore in a small town may hold clues to...
Plot: Amour et Pâtisserie, also known as The Patisserie with No Name, is a 2013 Taiwanese romantic television series produced by channel PTS, starring Sandrine Pinna, Jasper Liu and Shiou Jieh Kai. The story is taken from Taiwanese actress and playwright Hannah Lin's "Television Program Playwriting Award...
Plot: MPD Psycho, short for Multiple Personality Detective Psycho, is a manga series written by Eiji Åtsuka and illustrated by Shou Tajima, published by Kadokawa Shoten from 1997 to 2016. The series follows a police detective suffering from multiple personality disorder. Wikipedia
Plot: During a visit to an ailing aunt in a nursing home, Miranda ends up auditioning for a movie director. Meanwhile, Patrick decides to confront Owen.
Plot: 3X1 is a Hong Kong television drama series produced by HK Television Entertainment, and broadcast by ViuTV. The series is the second self-made drama series to be aired on ViuTV, and it premiered on 25 July 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: The British girl took her mother's travel diary and set out to find her roots; when she first arrived in Hong Kong, she not only found her history, but also her own fate; Lost and Found, eight time zones, and 25 years apart.