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Newborn Moms
Description: Genre: Short, Comedy Year Released: 2014 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 15 First episode air date: March 2, 2014 Nominations: Canadian Screen Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Web Program or Series, MORE
Plot: Comic Iliza Shlesinger hosts this late-night talk show that features episodes that revolve around particular themes, in the form of a question that Iliza tries to answer. She uses audience interaction, field pieces, commentary and -- what she's best known for -- jokes to help her find the answers she...
Plot: "Separation Anxiety" takes the traditional game show model and spins it into an unpredictable, irreverent update. Hosted by comic Iliza Shlesinger, the relationship-based show features a unique twist that isn't revealed to contestants until after they've played. Two-person teams are "separated" to...
Plot: There is a litany of dating shows on TV so why not another one? This half-hour entry in the dating-show genre, hosted by comic Iliza Shlesinger (winner of "Last Comic Standing" season six), features a group of men vying for the affections of two women. Throughout the show, the women narrow the group...
Plot: Comic Roy Wood Jr. invites his like-minded friends to tell hilarious, true stories in front of an audience at Cheetahs in Hollywood, Calif. Rob Corddry, D.L. Hughley, Keegan-Michael Key, Bert Kreischer, Marc Maron, Steve Rannazzisi, Joe Rogan and Paul Scheer are among those who relay favorite, embarrassing...
Plot: Some of today's best stand-up comics perform before a live audience. Since its premiere in 1998, the half-hour programme has featured a who's who of comedy talent, including Lewis Black, Dane Cook, Mitch Hedberg, Brian Regan, Frank Caliendo and Carol Leifer.
Plot: Actor, writer, producer and comedian James Corden engages in hilarious conversations with famous guests followed by comedy sketches and musical performances.