Plot: Zumbastico Fantastico is a Chilean animation series broadcast by TVN and Cartoon Network Latin America. A showcase style show, it contains different original animated shorts in every episode. Created and developed by Sólo por las Niñas, co-produced with TVN and directed by Alvaro Ceppi. Wikipedia...
Plot: Villa Dulce is a Chilean animated series created by Beatriz Buttazzoni and Francisco Bobadilla of EmpatÃa Productions in 2004 and broadcast in Canal 13 network. Villa Dulce was a historical series in Chile because it was the first animated TV program made in the country since Condorito's shorts...
Plot: On holiday in a summer camp, Lisa, Matt, Bryan and their cousins discover a world inhabited by the legendary Flapacha. They camp in the woods, play, meet strange animals and are obliged to respect the curfew put in place by Odile, the director.