Plot: Idol School is a South Korean variety show, which aired on MBC Music, MBC's cable and satellite network for music. The show is hosted by Jun Hyun-moo, singer Kim Yeon-woo and Sojin of Girl's Day. Wikipedia
Plot: Hyung-don and Dae-joon's Hitmaker is a 2014 South Korean variety television series presented by South Korean producer duo Jeong Hyeong-don and Defconn. It first aired on MBC Every1 on Tuesday at 6:00 pm KST beginning July 29, 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: 1000 Song Challenge, also known as Challenge 1000 Songs, is a South Korean karaoke singing competition television series, which aired on SBS from 2000 to 2014. During the show, guests compete by singing popular songs accurately from memory. The songs are chosen randomly from a pool of 1000 songs. Wikipedia...
Plot: The host presents the latest songs from the Korean pop music collection, along with exciting news and behind-the-scenes updates from the K-pop industry and a sneak peek in the lives of the K-pop stars