Plot: Journalist Bob Woodruff travels the world with his son, Mack, visiting all of the forgotten, misunderstood and frequently overlooked corners of the world.
Plot: In the magical land of Xadia, magic comes from six primal sources: the sun, moon, stars, sky, earth and ocean. When human mages create a seventh kind of magic -- dark magic -- they start capturing and harvesting the unique magical creatures they need as ingredients, which sparks a war between Xadia...
Plot: Enter the world of Lizzie McGuire at your own risk, a world where the 13-year-old and her best friends Miranda and Gordo ride the roller-coaster existence of a middle schooler. Every day is a popularity contest, every class is a crisis and on top of everything else, Lizzie has to deal with her annoying...
Plot: Free! revolves around members of a high school boy's swimming team. Four boys-Haruka, Makoto, Nagisa and Rin-all participated in a swimming tournament shortly before graduating elementary school and later parted ways. Years later, they reunite when Rin challenges Haruka to a race and wins. Nagisa decides...
Plot: The Holy Empire of Britannia conquered the country known as Japan and now call it Area 11. Its residents lost their rights to self-govern and are now called Elevens. The Empire uses powerfully destructive robotic weapons called Knightmares to ensure control, but someone is about to stand up against...
Plot: Host Dan Lanigan revisits classic Disney titles and looks at them through the lens of how props helped to shape and create their most magical moments.
Plot: The Encore Series are concert recordings developed initially in 2002 through a partnership between The Who and The series was created as legal alternative to bootlegs of major artists' complete concert tours. Each series is authorised by the artists, and recorded directly from the artists...
Plot: A look at the creative forces -- filmmakers, artists, songwriters, and cast members -- behind the animated movie, "Frozen II," including the challenges, breakthroughs, artistry, creativity, and complexity leading up to its release.
Plot: Twelve-year-old Elena, a Cuban-American girl, navigates the ups and downs of middle school and begins her journey to become the future president of the United States.
Plot: Kokkoku: Moment by Moment is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Seita Horio. It was serialized in Kodansha's Monthly Morning Two magazine from May 2008 to September 2015, with its chapters collected into eight tankΕbon volumes. Wikipedia
Plot: Violet, an emotionally detached soldier who received prosthetic arms after a combat injury, settles into postwar life as a ghostwriter while searching for the meaning behind her former commander's final words to her.