Plot: A powerful lyrical story about the sergeant of the former Yugoslav Army Zika Kurjak, from childhood in miners' home, through military days, to severe depression, imprisonment and the metropolitan madness. Kurjak, the personification of human kindness, who is impaired and disturbed, as an old and ornate...
Plot: Zivota, a wealthy man, tries to do something with his lazy son's life. His son tries to back off, but once he gets a successful cafe, he becomes interested.
Plot: NemanjiÄ Dynasty: The Birth Of The Kingdom is a Serbian historical drama television series about the Serbian medieval dynasty NemanjiÄi. The pilot episode aired on December 31, 2017, as a special episode for New Year's Eve, and the series premiered on Radio Television of Serbia on...
Plot: TV Slagalica or simply Slagalica is Serbiaâs longest-running quiz show produced by RTS and airs on RTS1. It is based on Des chiffres et des lettres, a French game show. It first aired on 22 November 1993. at 7 pm. It consists of seven simple mind games. Wikipedia
Plot: A collage TV series with a gallery of funny mature characters like Rasha the inventor, Mira the talebearer and Rshum who talk with the children on various topics, play quiz, sing and find out more about interesting words and trivia at the picturesque setting of castle "Fantast" in Vojvodina. A collage...
Plot: Funny peasant granny moves from her village to Belgrade with her grandson, so he can finish elementary school in the city. The clash between human, rural and honest and depraved, false and petty-bourgeois is inevitable.