Plot: Silicon Valley pioneer Paul LeBlanc discovers that one of his own creations -- a powerful A.I. called NEXT -- might spell doom for humankind, so he tries to shutter the project, only to be kicked out of the company by his own brother, leaving him with nothing but mounting dread about the fate of the...
Plot: Museo Coconut is a Spanish TV sitcom which is aired in Neox since November 1, 2010. The series revolves around the situations that happen in Coconut Museum, a museum of contemporary art. Jaime Walter becomes its new director, after failing as head of the MOMA in New York and in his love life. Wikipedia...
Plot: Frances Heck is a middle-class, married woman and mother of three who resides in the small town of Orson, Indiana, and tries to manage her dysfunctional family and career.
Plot: Three modern-day families from California try to deal with their kids, quirky spouses and jobs in their own unique ways, often falling into hilarious situations.
Plot: The daughter of a noodle shop owner has a crush on traveling ninja fighter Garu. Every time she steals a kiss she increases her amazing Pucca powers. Garu, meanwhile, spends his time trying to avoid Pucca and her kisses, to concentrate on developing his mastery of kung fu and fighting his nemesis, Tobe...
Plot: Christy, a newly sober single mother, attempts to pull her life together by avoiding alcohol. However, when her estranged mother walks into her life, she has to deal with her eccentricities.
Plot: The lives of four socially awkward friends, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj, take a wild turn when they meet the beautiful and free-spirited Penny.
Plot: A group of employees working at Cloud 9, a big-box store in St Louis, Missouri, faces several challenges while dealing with customers and at the same time attending to their personal requirements.
Plot: Sergeant Daniel and his team of officers in the Los Angeles police department fight hard-core criminals and strive to protect the public from danger.
Plot: El Intermedio is a news satire television program produced by Globomedia and broadcast in La Sexta. It is the work of Miguel Sánchez Romero, who is the responsible of the creation of several successful ... Wikipedia