Plot: Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. hosts a personal journey through the past 50 years of black history in the United States, citing both the progress made and obstacles yet to be overcome. Featuring comments from Jesse Jackson, Nas and Donna Brazile, the series provides interviews as well as archival...
Plot: An enthralling series exploring how the BBC fought not only Hitler but also the British government to become the institution it is today. Hailed and derided in equal measure, the BBC in 1939 had yet to seal its reputation. With the advent of war, the corporation found itself thrust into a battle against...
Plot: In this six-part limited series, Michael Wood embarks on a thrill-packed journey through modern India, a trek that looks for clues to the past and, in turn, suggestions for what the future may hold for the world's largest democracy.
Plot: Christopher Clark presents the story of Europe, looking at different aspects of its past, present and future; diving into the culture, religion, technology, politics and everything else that shaped the continent.
Plot: America is a nation shaped by adversity; these are the stories of the challenges that helped shape a nation; surviving the starving time of the first colonies; battling for independence; heading west into the unknown; and sparking a civil war.