Plot: This documentary programme uses archival footage, interviews and dramatic reconstructions to tell the story of the rise of the Nazis through time as well as the continued rise of Neo-Nazis. `The Rise of the Nazi Party' reveals how the National Socialists exploited economic turmoil to get into power...
Plot: Filling in the holes, debunking the myths and making whole the half-truths of history is the essence of "America: Facts vs. Fiction." Hosted by former naval officer and actor Jamie Kaler, the series digs deep into many myths and legends to explore how and why historical details are sometimes altered...
Plot: Documentary telling the full story of World War II with the aid of rare and unseen archive footage, recently released official documents, modern colourisation techniques, state-of-the-art satellite-delivered terrain mapping and graphics.
Plot: A semi-fictionalized account of the Tuskegee Airmen, the first all-African-American Air Force squadron during World War II, the film centers on ambitious young pilot Hannibal Lee (Laurence Fishburne). Despite initial reticence by higher ranking white officers, Lee, along with Walter Peoples (Allen...