Plot: This series follows life onboard the Royal Princess, one of the world's largest luxury cruise ships. With unique access, cameras follows the lives of the 1,400 crew that live and work on the ship. Nothing is all glitz and glamour as the crew fix leaks and fight for promotions, all while still entertaining...
Plot: This documentary series climbs aboard The Regal Princess, the largest ship owned by Princess Cruises. Set over 19 decks are several bars and restaurants, a fitness centre, a luxury spa, cabanas and hot tubs. The episodes follow the 1,400-member crew as they navigate the waters and keep up with the...
Plot: It's destination Alaska as the crew of the Star Princess voyage to one of the world's last frontiers. With over four hundred and fifty cruise ships around the world competing for passengers, offering a unique journey is a must.
Plot: `Wild Britain', from Bristol-based Plimsoll Productions, explores the outer reaches of Britain in order to reveal the hidden lives of both the familiar and the more unusual animals that roam the United Kingdom. Narrated by `Downton Abbey' star Hugh Bonneville, the series captures 100 different stories...
Plot: Singer Jane McDonald, who found fame on BBC's `The Cruise', returns to the seas in this travel series. The former cruise ship entertainer embarks on an odyssey as she boards a mega-cruise to explore the cruising life. Carrying over 4000 passengers, the vessels are seven times larger than those Jane...