Plot: Host David Suzuki offers informative views about the state of the world and how to make it a better place. His documentaries are produced in Canada and abroad, and all offer a look at the way the planet is changing and shifting in our modernized age.
Plot: This show follows the adventures of animated versions of brothers Chris and Martin Kratt, hosts of such educational shows as "Kratts' Creatures" and "Zoboomafoo." In the show, the animated Kratts encounter wild animals during stories of adventure and mystery. The live-action Kratt brothers introduce...
Plot: This animated series centers on house cat Fred, a dreamer of the great outdoors. Once his family leaves for the day, Fred becomes Nature Cat and with the help of his animal friends, he embarks on action-packed adventures that allow him to explore the natural world. The series is voiced by comic actors...
Plot: Marine biologist Danni Washington hosts this series that explains how nature has helped to inspire technology that people use on a daily basis. Some of the nature-inspired innovations include airplanes inspired by birds and helicopters that were influenced by dragonflies. The show also introduces viewers...
Plot: Siblings Kirby and Charlie share strange discoveries and fun facts from the world of "Weird but True!," as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the series.