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Nature Adventures
Description: Terri and Todd explore the creatures and landscapes throughout all of nature in the hopes of having fun and encouraging others to get out and explore for themselves. Genre: TV program
Plot: Since its premiere in 1986, this Emmy-winning documentary series has presented hundreds of hours comprising profiles of outstanding American cultural artists. Past subjects have included Charlie Chaplin, Helen Hayes, pop icon Andy Warhol, singer Billie Holliday and composer-conductor Leonard Bernstein...
Plot: "American Experience" combines dramatic re-enactments with commentary by historians and authors to present an absorbing look at the personalities, events and resources that have had a profound impact on the shaping of America's past and present. Many of the program's documentaries have received major...
Plot: This long-running concert series features artists from every musical genre in a live-music setting. Originally created to shine a spotlight on original Texas music, the show has expanded its boundaries to encompass a wide range of styles and artists, featuring notables such as Pearl Jam, Elvis Costello...
Plot: "Masterpiece Theatre" presents adaptations of classic literature and the work of contemporary writers as acted out by prestigious thespians. Among the stories that have been featured in the series' run are "I, Claudius," "Henry VIII" and "The Forsyte Saga."
Plot: Educator Henry Louis Gates Jr. has hosted several PBS series that examine U.S. history. In "Finding Your Roots," the Harvard professor continues his quest to "get into the DNA of American culture." In each episode, celebrities view ancestral histories, sometimes learn of connections to famous/infamous...
Plot: Airing since 1979, this popular programme that has spawned multiple international versions travels across Britain (with occasional trips to other countries, such as Canada and Australia), bringing together in each location specialists in antiques and fine arts to have them appraise items brought in...
Plot: A panel of journalists provides reporting and analysis of the major stories emanating from the United States capital in this award-winning series. It first aired in 1967, making it the longest-running prime-time news and public affairs program on television.
Plot: Since its 1988 premiere, this critically acclaimed documentary series has presented hundreds of films that put a human face on contemporary social issues by relating a compelling story in an intimate fashion. "POV" has won virtually every major film and broadcasting award available, including 38 Emmys...
Plot: This long-running, award-winning documentary series focuses on science - the speculation, history and researchers associated with it and its many applications. Inspired by the BBC documentary program `Horizons', the U.S. series frequently features interviews with scientists directly involved in the...
Plot: Consistently stunning documentaries transport viewers to far-flung locations ranging from the torrid African plains to the chilly splendours of icy Antarctica. The show's primary focus is on animals and ecosystems around the world. A comic book based on the show, meant to be used an as educational tool...
Plot: Maggie Cole is the self-appointed oracle of her close-knit community. Maggie makes it her business to know a little bit about everyone's lives, and certainly pays no attention to the adage that `those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'.
Plot: Presenter Chris Packham documents the hidden wonder of the creatures that inhabit the earth, and the intricate, clever and bizarre connections between the species that make life on Earth possible. In each episode, Packham visits one of the planet's most vital and spectacular habitats and dissects it...
Plot: Terri and Todd explore the creatures and landscapes throughout all of nature in the hopes of having fun and encouraging others to get out and explore for themselves.
Plot: Documentary series looking at the most dramatic wildlife spectacles on the planet, showing how life responds to natural events which can dramatically transform entire landscapes.