Plot: Zoologist and animal trainer Dave Salmoni has travelled around the world to study animals and their ecosystems, often exploring the delicate balance between wildlife and civilization. In this programme, Salmoni is put to the ultimate test as he lives beside some of the world's fiercest creatures, visiting...
Plot: "Into the Pride" follows zoologist, animal trainer and large-predator expert Dave Salmoni on a tenuous journey inside a private game reserve in Africa. His mission? To help a pride of "problem lions" learn to accept humans in order to support the growing eco-tourism in the area. Transplanted from the...
Plot: Things can get ugly when the human and animal worlds collide, and that collision often goes very badly for the human. An expert on large predators, biologist Dave Salmoni researches reports of animal-on-human attacks and studies the attack patterns involved to determine whether the animal actually...
Plot: Large predator expert Dave Salmoni transports viewers to remote corners of the world where people live in constant fear among a threatening animal presence. The miniseries documents Salmoni's visits to villages in India and Africa to see firsthand how rogue elephants, killer hippos and man-eating tigers...