Plot: La Intrusa is a Mexican telenovela produced by Ignacio Sada for Televisa in 2001. It is a remake of the Venezuela telenovela Valentina, produced in 1975. Gabriela Spanic and Arturo Peniche star as the protagonists, while Laura Zapata, Chantal Andere, Sergio Sendel and Dominika Paleta star as the antagonists...
Plot: Guadalupe is the illegitimate daughter of a man who abandoned her when she was born. Before the man dies, he is haunted by guilt, makes her the only heiress and leaves his relatives with nothing. She moves in with the hateful relatives and meets the mysteries Alfredo, whom she can't decide whether to...
Plot: Amores de Fin de Siglo is a Venezuelan telenovela created by Leonardo Padrón for RCTV in 1995. The telenovela lasted 133 episodes and was distributed internationally by RCTV International. Wikipedia
Plot: Natacha (called as «Natasha») is a fun and enthusiastic country girl who comes to the city to find a job as a maid in the home of Pablo Raúl and Teresa Schulman, a neurotic couple faced an economic crisis. Natasha will be in charge of creating a company of buffets for special events, which will help...
Plot: Valeria Castro Iglesias, hija del prestigioso empresario, Leonardo Castro Iglesias, se enamora de Chalo, un hobrero en la fabrica de su padre. El destino y la maldad se encargan de separar a los dos jovenes de ser felizes, pero despues de muchas lagrimas y dolor, Valeria y Chalo se casan y aprenden...
Plot: When Helen tells Andy Opie isn't doing too well in math, he's pretty relaxed about it. She recommends that Opie should do a bit more homework and he agrees. Barney, however, thinks Andy's attitude is completely off base. Barney starts talking about how Opie may not get into college and the like and...
Plot: Simplemente MarÃa is a Mexican telenovela produced by ValentÃn Pimstein for Televisa in 1989. Victoria Ruffo, Manuel Saval and Jaime Garza starred as protagonists, while Gabriela Goldsmith starred as main antagonist. Wikipedia