Plot: Reporter James Edwards seeks answers to questions, reflecting on his own family's experiences along the way. In this dark and witty fable, Dame Emma Thompson portrays a person of unsettling appearance and magical powers who enters the household of recently widowed Mr. Cedric Brown (Colin Firth) and...
Plot: Nanny McPhee arrives to help a harried young mother who is trying to run the family farm while her husband is away at war, though she uses her magic to teach the woman's children and their two spoiled cousins five new lessons.
Plot: This series took a swipe at law and order, with young policeman Brian Booth (George Layton) continually in conflict with his 'right on' twin Pete (Jonathan Lynn) as his twin brother a militant student, forever girl chasing, getting drunk and going on or getting protests against what seems to be everything...
Plot: Jill's daughter takes up with a bad boy whose violent behavior lands the young couple in trouble. To avoid a stint in prison, they appear to commit a double suicide, but Jill sets out to prove they have gone on the run.
Plot: Michael Douglas and Glenn Close are nowhere to be found in this docuseries that explores the potential consequences when an all-consuming romance causes people to commit unthinkable criminal acts in the name of love. Each hourlong episode brings together first-person testimonials with evocative cinematography...
Plot: Hardworking student Sarah takes a well-paying summer job as a nanny at a winery to offset tuition expenses. But she soon realizes something is off with the children she cares for when their mischievous pranks lead to deadly consequences.
Plot: When their nanny begins neglecting her duties, the Tripps have no choice but to fire her. They then learn that the nanny has established residency in their home and will have to be legally evicted -- which could take months.