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Nailed To the Bottom
Genre: Film Year Released: 2004 First episode air date: April 14, 2004 Awards: Prix Italia for TV Documentary u2013 Current Affairs Initial Release: April 14, 2004 Director: Poul-Erik Heilbuth
Plot: This Danish drama series focuses on the Second Schleswig War between the Kingdom of Denmark and the German Confederation. In the middle of the 19th century, two brothers, Laust and Peter, grow up in poor conditions in south Funen, away from other troubled lands. Their father returns home after a three...
Plot: Wild Kids is a Swedish reality show for children currently airing on TV4. The show aired for twelve seasons on Sveriges Television, between 2005 and 2019. Ola Lindholm was the host of the show for the first four seasons but was then replaced with Rickard Olsson. Wikipedia
Plot: Kaj and Andrea is a Danish children's television show about two puppet characters, a male frog named Kaj and a female parrot named Andrea. They sing, play and talk with the human presenters. The show ran on DR TV 1971â1975 and again 1996â2007. Wikipedia