Plot: Atelier series is a franchise of role-playing video games developed by the Gust Corporation since 1997, primarily for the PlayStation line of consoles; portable versions for the Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita and WonderSwan Color have...
Plot: When civilization reaches its apocalyptic end, the Copeland family survives the end of the world as they know it, but what will the new world be like? Turns out it's scary, with supernatural creatures, massive storms and a plague among the things that the Copelands must deal with while facing the rapid...
Plot: After an unexpected death brings everyone's dirty secrets to the surface, the lives and marriages of a close-knit group of friends unravel out of control.
Plot: Kumiko and Kenichi meet in college and build a happy marriage together. But over time, an unusual problem threatens to destroy their relationship.
Plot: Due to various personal reasons, some of Yun Tae-o's friends move into his house, where they experience love, friendship and everything in between.
Plot: After years in the United States, a Taiwanese immigrant returns to her hometown with her young daughter to help her father with his bed-and-breakfast.
Plot: When a crook's spirit inexplicably gets transplanted into the body of a violent crimes detective, it leads to a peculiar crime-solving partnership.
Plot: A self-absorbed top male model and a pretty aspiring model are forced to live each other's lives until they find a way to switch their bodies back.