Plot: Wolfblood is a British-German fantasy teen drama television series targeted at a young audience. Created by Debbie Moon, it is a co-production between CBBC and ZDF/ZDFE. The television series revolves around the life of the species known as wolfbloods. Wikipedia
Plot: Detectives Terry English and Hildy Mulligan investigate criminal cases meticulously. With their determination, they bring down the culprits and provide justice to the victims.
Plot: Jenna Hamilton, a 15-year-old, struggles to deal with the pressures of growing up. Her life takes a drastic turn after an accident she meets with is projected as a suicide attempt.
Plot: Set during the Cold War era, orphaned chess prodigy Beth Harmon struggles with addiction in a quest to become the greatest chess player in the world.
Plot: MTV teams with super-producers Bob and Harvey Weinstein on a TV series adaptation of the hit horror film franchise. Instigated by a cyberbullying incident that goes viral, a brutal murder in Lakewood stirs memories of a crime spree from the town's past that has haunted some, intrigued others and maybe...
Plot: Teenager Julie finds her passion for music and life while helping the Phantoms, a trio of ghostly guys, become the band they were never able to be.
Plot: Leslie Knope, a mid-level bureaucrat, wishes to help a local nurse, Ann, convert a disused construction site into a community park but deals with red-tapism and self-centred neighbours.
Plot: Frank Gallagher is the head of a working-class family in Chicago. His six children suffer because he is a heavy drinker and Fiona, the eldest daughter, has to look after everyone in the house.
Plot: When two children go missing in a small German town, its sinful past is exposed along with the double lives and fractured relationships that exist among four families as they search for the kids. The mystery-drama series introduces an intricate puzzle filled with twists that includes a web of curious...
Plot: Lucifer, a demon, returns from hell to reside in Los Angeles and runs a club. He soon gets involved with the local police and assists them in solving tricky criminal cases.
Plot: For years Patty was overweight, which caused her to be bullied, ignored and underestimated by the people around her. But she is now thin and seeking revenge against those who ever made her feel bad about herself through fat-shaming. Enter Bob Armstrong, a disgraced attorney with a passion for coaching...
Plot: This adaptation of the "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" tale is a dark coming-of-age story that traffics in horror and the occult. In the reimagined origin story, Sabrina Spellman wrestles to reconcile her dual nature -- half-witch, half-mortal -- while standing against the evil forces that threaten her...
Plot: Notorious criminal Frank Griffin and his gang of outlaws are on a mission -- get revenge on Roy Goode, a former protege who betrayed the brotherhood. On the run, Roy seeks refuge in isolated mining town La Belle, N.M., where he lives with Alice Fletcher, a hardened widower and outcast. When word reaches...
Plot: 10 unknown actresses will compete in a series of exacting challenges designed to prove they have the smarts, talent and strength to sėŗŽd. The unprecedented prize is a break-out role in "Saw VI".
Plot: The series follows the lives of four teenage girls - Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily; four estranged friends whose darkest secrets are about to unravel.
Plot: "Stranger Things" became a surprise hit on Netflix when the first season launched in 2016. So looking to expand on the show's popularity, the streaming service launched a companion show alongside Season 2. "Beyond Stranger Things" is a recap show that discusses inspiration for the series, shares behind...
Plot: On her first day at high school, Elena meets Stefan and immediately feels a connection with him. However, what she does not know is that Stefan and his brother, Damon, are in fact vampires.
Plot: When Sam and Dean join forces with an unexpected ally, the outcome alters the course of two lives; Heaven faces an attack from a dark force, driving Castiel to make an enormous sacrifice to make things right.
Plot: An American adaptation of the Israeli show of the same name, "Euphoria" follows the troubled life of 17-year-old Rue, a drug addict fresh from rehab with no plans to stay clean. Circling in Rue's orbit are Jules, a transgender girl searching for where she belongs; Nate, a jock whose anger issues mask...
Plot: On one day in 1989, 43 infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who showed no signs of pregnancy the day before. Seven are adopted by billionaire industrialist Sir Reginald Hargreeves, who creates the Umbrella Academy and prepares his "children" to save the world. In their teenage...
Plot: Hope Mikaelson, the daughter of a werewolf and a vampire, attends the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted and learns to use and control her supernatural abilities.
Plot: Elena Michaels is a loner in a world she never wanted to be part of. The only female werewolf in existence, she is desperate to escape from both the paranormal world she's in and the man who turned her into a wolf. So she abandons her pack and moves to a new city, where she works as a photographer...
Plot: Based on the book by Brian McGreevy and executive produced by acclaimed horror master Eli Roth ("Hostel"), this Netflix original series revolves around the peculiar residents -- and killer creatures -- of Hemlock Grove, a dilapidated former steel town in Pennsylvania. The town is composed of people...
Plot: The city of Weird is physically divided into two halves and segregated by economic class: Above The Line, populated by Haves, and Below The Line, populated by Have-Nots.
Plot: Bo is a small-town girl on the run after a disastrous sexual encounter with her boyfriend ends with his death. Bo learns that she is not human, but a succubus, who feeds on the sexual energy of humans. She and her kind are members of the Fae, creatures of legend, who walk among humans and feed off them...
Plot: Wolf Hall is a British television serial first broadcast on BBC Two in January 2015. The six-part series is an adaptation of two of Hilary Mantel's novels, Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies, a fictionalised ... Wikipedia
Plot: The Original family of vampires settle down in the city of New Orleans that they helped to construct several decades ago. They encounter old buddies and confront new foes.
Plot: Sookie Stackhouse works as a barmaid in Louisiana and has the ability to read people's minds. Her life changes when the vampires in her town reveal their existence to the world.
Plot: Bay and Daphne are exchanged at birth when the hospital mistakes one for the other. One family decides to introduce the two children so that they can accept the other's differences and similarities.
Plot: Based on an award-winning play ("The Audience") by showrunner Peter Morgan, this lavish, Netflix-original drama chronicles the life of Queen Elizabeth II from the 1940s to modern times. The series begins with an inside look at the early reign of the queen, who ascended the throne at age 25 after the...
Plot: When Belgrave University student Jack Morton joins a fabled secret society, the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose, he is thrust into a world of magic, monsters and intrigue. Out to avenge his mother's death, he uncovers dark family secrets and lands in an underground battle being waged between werewolves...
Plot: On her birthday, Clary Fray discovers a surprise concerning her life. The teenager is not who she thinks she is -- she comes from a long line of human-angel hybrids, called Shadowhunters, who hunt demons. After her mother is kidnapped, Clary is thrust into the world of demon-hunting. Clary relies on...
Plot: Busloads of Connecticut high school students head off for an extended camping trip, but a storm forces them to return home.Upon their return, the teens realize that all of the town's adults are gone in this modern take on "Lord of the Flies." Their newfound freedom is fun at first, but it quickly becomes...
Plot: Nick Burkhardt, a detective, begins to see what nobody else can, gruesome monstrosity. He soon realises that like his ancestors, he too is a huntsman.
Plot: In 1980s Indiana, a group of young friends witness supernatural forces and secret government exploits. As they search for answers, the children unravel a series of extraordinary mysteries.
Plot: A nuclear conflict has decimated civilisation. A century later, a spaceship accommodating humanity's lone survivors dispatch 100 juvenile delinquents back to the Earth to determine its habitability.
Plot: A teenager navigates the complexities of high school, family and her sexuality while dealing with new superpowers; based on Charles Forsman's graphic novel.
Plot: An anthology of stories consisting of a house with a deadly secret, a demented asylum, a witch coven, an unusual show, a hotel, a haunted farmhouse, a cult and an apocalypse.
Plot: Based on Charlaine Harris' book series by the same name, "Midnight, Texas" follows the lives of the strange inhabitants of a small town in the middle of nowhere, where the concept of normal is relative. A haven for vampires, witches, psychics, hit men, and others with extraordinary backgrounds, Midnight...