Plot: The Amazing Awang Khenit is a Malaysian animated children's television series produced by SEAD Studios. Launched in 2014, the show incorporates elements of Malaysian folklore and slapstick comedy. Wikipedia
Plot: Chuck Chicken is a Flash animated television series created by Animasia Studios. The story takes place on a bird-filled island of Rocky Perch, and tells the story of Chuck who turns into "Kung Fu Chicken", providing Kung Fu style security and protection to the citizens of the island. Wikipedia
Plot: Anak-anak Sidek tells the story of Sidek brothers who spent their childhood in a village called Kanchong Darat in Banting, Selangor in the 1960s and early 1970s, including the stories of the Sidek brothers' lives before becoming the country's famous badminton players and the private lives of the Sidek...
Plot: Kampung Boy is a Malaysian animated television series first broadcast in 1997. It is about the adventures of a young boy, Mat, and his life in a kampung. The series is adapted from the best-selling graphical novel The Kampung Boy, an autobiography of local cartoonist Lat. Wikipedia
Plot: Saladin is an animated project inspired by the life Salah Al-Din Yusuf Ibni Ayub, the Islamic hero who united Muslims in the holy war against the Crusaders in the 12th century. The series was conceived and produced by the Multimedia Development Corporation in Malaysia. It was a 13-part animated TV...
Plot: Usop Sontorian is a Malaysian animated cartoon series aired on TV1 from 1996 to 1998. It was created by Ujang and Kamn Ismail and produced by Kharisma Pictures. Ismail was the managing director of Quest Animations until his death in 2019. Wikipedia
Plot: Remy is an adventurous 6-year-old girl with a unique best friend named Boo; fueled by Remy's indomitable spirit and Boo's can-do attitude, their days in Dolphin Bay are filled with new adventures; together, the duo discover their place in the world and learn that there is no greater power than the...
Plot: Dunia Eicak is a Malaysian animated series produced by Addeen Multimedia. The show's plot centers on a boy, nicknamed Eicak, who discovers 'friends' in the most unexpected world. Wikipedia
Plot: Squeak and Boo live on a farm in the Australian countryside. With their old mate Dave, a massive bumbling wombat, they rollick through their exciting new world learning to sing, play games, dress up and generally get up to pig-style mischief.
Plot: Boo! is a children's television series shown in the United Kingdom on the CBeebies channel, and originally on BBC Two. It features several cartoon characters who play a game similar to hide and seek in a variety of settings. The commentary is performed by an adult narrator and a chorus of children....
Plot: Young Sydney Sailboat explores the waters of Bubble Bath Bay, going on adventures with his nautical friends, including best bud Zip the Water Taxi. They learn about life under the command of Terry the Tugboat as they go on adventures that teach them about friendship, teamwork, resourcefulness, cooperation...
Plot: Upin and Ipin are orphan twins under the care of Kak Ros and Mak Uda. With their many friends, Upin and Ipin spend their days learning different things in a fun and entertaining way.