Plot: The story revolves around Li Sheng's earnest part-timer character who travels to Shenzhen to find her ex-boyfriend played by Miao Zi Jun. Too bad he's shacked up with the heiress to a red wine importing company played by Myolie. Li Sheng finds herself embroiled in the success battle between Myolie and...
Plot: This is about how three best friends set off to find a bread tree that belongs to them. The 'bread' could be a physical substance, vanity, or could be non-existent. The three met each other at 13 years of age, and their friendship started with a game of volleyball. Together, they encounter the happiness...
Plot: Legend of Fragrance is a 2015 Chinese television series starring Li Yifeng, Tiffany Tang, William Chan and Shu Chang. It aired on Hunan TV from 4 February to 2 March 2015. The series averaged a rating of 1.89% and was a hit in China. Wikipedia
Plot: "If you accidentally returned to ten years ago, would you try to locate the future him? 31-year-old Jane accidentally returned to ten years ago in her dream. After a moment of loss and frustration, Jane decided to treat her mother, solve her best friend's problem and meet and fall in love with Ye Jiacheng...
Plot: An unlikely romance forms when a strictly organized career woman hoping to find her true love meets a successful lawyer, whose work litigating divorces has turned him into a marriage skeptic.
Plot: Invincible Shan Bao Mei, also known as ææç寶妹 / Woody Sambo is a romantic comedy Taiwanese Drama starring Nicholas Teo and Amber Kuo. It premiered on August 24, 2008, right after the half-episode conclusion of Fated to Love You. Wikipedia
Plot: A fortuneteller and a younger single woman tempt fate, balancing romance and the challenges of everyday life. Resolving to get married soon, hardworking Si-yi finds love in an unexpected place, but her ex and her job interfere with her plans.
Plot: Three couples deal with the societal and familial pressures to get married. Ming Liang (Qi Wei) and Gao Jian (Chen He) are arch rivals at work but they share the same viewpoint about marriage: they are opposed to it and would rather enjoy carefree relationships. As their strong feelings for each other...
Plot: The Girl in Blue is a 2010 Chinese television series starring Joe Chen, Roy Chiu and Feng Shaofeng. It is based on the novel of the same name by Fei Wo Si Cun. The series aired on Hunan Television from 4 June to 17 June 2010 for 32 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: The elderly founder of a successful pharmaceuticals company swears to give away his fortune to the man who marries the granddaughter of the woman who saved his life many years ago. His grandson is not happy but soon learns, you can't fight fate.
Plot: Ad Mania is a 2011 Chinese modern serial drama starring Hong Kong actors Joe Ma and Raymond Lam. Filming began in Shanghai on 27 September 2010. and premiered on Chongqing Entertainment Channel on 17 November 2011 but only till to chapter 2. It re-premiered on 5 OCT, 2013. Wikipedia