Plot: Hectic Nine-9 is a South African teen television live interactive magazine show produced by Okuhle Media for SABC 2. It is the second longest running youth program of the SABC. The program focuses on the latest local and international celebrity news and gossip, trending topics, games, music and fashion...
Plot: 7de Laan is a South African Afrikaans soap opera created by Danie Odendaal and produced by Danie Odendaal Productions. The series focuses on the lives of residents staying in and around the community of 7de Laan, in the suburb of Hillside. Wikipedia
Plot: Muvhango is a South African television soap opera, created by Duma Ndlovu. It is broadcast on the public TV channel SABC 2, and has an average of 4 million daily viewers. The first episode was aired on 7 April 1997. Wikipedia
Plot: Isidingo was a South African soap opera, with dialogue mostly in English. The series premiered on SABC 3 in July 1998 and was broadcast evenings on SABC 3 from Monday to Friday at 19:00. Until 2001 it was titled Isidingo: The Need. Wikipedia
Plot: Binnelanders is a South African Afrikaans soap opera. It is set in and around the fictional private hospital, Binneland Kliniek, in Pretoria, and the storyline follows the trials, trauma and tribulations of the staff and patients of the hospital. Wikipedia