Plot: A landmark production that first aired in the 1970s, director Tony Palmer's 17-part documentary covers the history of modern popular music, from its earliest origins through the mid-'70s. Among the included genres are folk, ragtime, musical theatre, swing, jazz, blues and of course rock 'n' roll. Palmer...
Plot: This program has been the longest running talk show in the history of Italian television, with the record of 25 seasons, 4,390 episodes, 8,100 hours of transmission and 32,800 guests.
Plot: Popcorn was an Italian pop music show which ran 1980â1985 on Canale 5 produced by Berlusconi's Fininvest. Hosts included Sammy Barbot, Tiziana Fiorveluti, Claudio Cecchetto, Augusto Martelli, Italy-based US singer Ronnie Jones and English actress Karina Huff. Wikipedia
Plot: The Festivalbar was an Italian singing competition that took place in the most important Italian squares during summer, such as the Piazza del Duomo, Catania or Piazza Bra, Verona. The first edition took place in 1964 and was broadcast by RAI. Wikipedia
Plot: Mai dire Gol was an Italian football television program of featuring Gialappa's Band, which was broadcast on Italia 1 from 18 November 1990 to 25 February 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Pomeriggio Cinque is an Italian television entertainment news program broadcast every weekday at 5:00 p.m., on the Italian TV channel Canale 5. Barbara D'Urso has hosted the program since 2008. The program leads the ratings for its time slot. Wikipedia
Plot: Non è la RAI was an Italian TV show, on air from 9 September 1991 to 30 June 1995. Initially broadcast by Canale 5, from January 1993 it was moved to Italia 1. It was presented by Enrica Bonaccorti in its first season, Paolo Bonolis in the second and Ambra Angiolini in the third and fourth. Wikipedia...
Plot: Scherzi a parte is a hidden camera-practical joke television series aired in prime time from 9 February 1992, first on Italia 1 and then on Canale 5. The show is characterized from having national and international celebrities as victims. Wikipedia
Plot: A young girl has been left an orphan but in the custody of her step parents. From the afterlife, her parents look out for her and don't like the treatment she is getting.