Plot: Veteran TV personality Carson Daly (also known for "Total Request Live," "Today," "The Voice" and the annual special, "New Year's Eve with Carson Daly") is the host of this unique talk show that includes interviews with actors, comics, filmmakers as well as a variety of other artists. Also featured...
Plot: This long-running entertainment-focused show is heavy on celebrity gossip and behind-the-scenes stories in Hollywood. A team of correspondents presents stories and celebrity interviews, all focused on the latest happenings in the entertainment industry. The show often features reports originating from...
Plot: This is not your mother's high school. "East Los High," a teen drama original to Hulu, follows a group of Latino teens navigating the trials of tribulations of life in East Los Angeles. Characters are faced with real-life issues, including peer pressure, life as a single parent, violence, dark secrets...
Plot: Loving is an American television soap opera that ran on ABC from June 26, 1983, to November 10, 1995, a total of 3,169 episodes. The serial, set in the fictional town of Corinth, Pennsylvania, was co-created by Agnes Nixon and former actor Douglas Marland. Wikipedia
Plot: Viewers send in home-made videos capturing comical situations, mishaps and staged pranks. The studio audience votes for the funniest video, which wins attractive prizes.
Plot: The half-hour show looks at the impact of Hispanic culture in the U.S., particularly focusing on a new generation. From around the country, Latin Americans are in the spotlight for their successes in arts, business, movies, music, sports, theater, and other categories. Those stories intersperse with...
Plot: Daytime Emmy winner Meredith Vieira has hosted a number of shows in her TV career -- "The View," "Today" and "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" among the most notable -- but she's never had her own talk show... until now. The self-titled, daily program adds some twists to the typical daytime talk format...
Plot: Veteran TV journalist Maury Povich -- yes, he began his TV career as a news anchor -- tackles volatile issues with his guests and studio audience on this daily, hourlong talk show. Known widely for offering guests the chance to take DNA tests to prove or disprove paternity -- usually with guests breaking...
Plot: Hailed as "the best talk-show guest on television," the popular comedy actress (who played a talk-show host on one of her earlier sitcoms) joins the daytime TV arena for an hour of chat about entertainment, pop culture and current events. The show includes several recurring segments, like Ask Alice...
Plot: Broderick Stephen Harvey is an American comedian, television presenter, broadcaster, and author. He hosts The Steve Harvey Morning Show, Family Feud, Family Feudâs Big Money Tournament, Celebrity Family Feud, the Miss Universe competition and Fox's New Year's Eve. Harvey began his...
Plot: The popular interior design expert and frequent Oprah Winfrey contributor tries his hand at his own syndicated talk show. Nate Berkus and his guests discuss lifestyle, entertainment and personal transformation as he tries to help viewers love the lives they live.
Plot: Singer Kellie Pickler adds the title of talk show host to her resume with this series that she co-hosts with journalist Ben Aaron. Filmed in Nashville, the show features North Carolina native Pickler and New York-bred Aaron welcoming some of America's top celebrities and tastemakers to offer their...
Plot: One of syndication's biggest success stories, Montel Williams presents a daily discussion of topics skewed mainly toward family and relationship issues in front of a live studio audience, providing his own point of view on the subject while maintaining civility and sidestepping tabloid-TV sideshow...
Plot: Radio host and author Wendy Williams joins the daytime syndicated talk-show field, bringing her distinctive personality to television. In addition to celebrity interviews, regular segments include Hot Topics, which usually opens the show and features Williams giving her honest, opinionated and often...