Plot: Ãlodie Bradford is a French television series created by Lionel Bailliu and broadcast since 20 October 2004 on the French television network M6. Wikipedia
Plot: This anthology series follows people accused of crimes as each person awaits the verdict of his or her trial. Each episode features a different character approaching the dock in court to hear whether they have been found guilty of their crime. As they walk to the dock, the events of how they became...
Plot: Vaugand returns to work to assist in the appeal against the conviction of Dylan Thevenot, who has declared that he is innocent. Will Vaugand help to deliver justice?
Plot: Captain Richard Faraday and his teammate Richard Winkler, who have different approaches to solving criminal cases, use all the resources at their disposal to get to the bottom of the cases.
Plot: If you yourself cannot release; then it will come to take a piece. A cynical experienced homicide detective based in Marseilles, France is crippled in the line of duty and depends on a wheelchair to get around. He is accompanied by a young ,vivacious female detective who's been forced on him to...
Plot: The series revolves around the people of Villeneuve, a fictional town in Jura district in the German-occupied France during the Second World War.
Plot: Hunting a serial killer who surgically removes his victims' eyes, detective Ãric Lanester loses his own sight while visiting a crime scene. He continues his investigation, which forces him to confront demons he had thought were buried forever.
Plot: When friends gather at a remote chalet in the French Alps for a summer getaway, they become caught in a deadly trap when a dark secret from the past comes to light. Following a series of accidents, the group becomes paranoid upon realizing that they must be related. Thierry sets out on foot to find...
Plot: Larosiere, a police superintendent, exercises his passion for solving difficult cases. He is assisted by young Inspector Lampion, who is eager to learn the nuances of the job.
Plot: An adaptation of the classic novel by Wilkie Collins, `The Moonstone' is considered the first true detective tale in the English language. On her 18th birthday, Rachel Verinder, a young English woman, inherits a large diamond passed down by her uncle. When the diamond is stolen after a lavish birthday...
Plot: As part of HBO's plan to showcase its popular international content, U.S. audiences are treated to this original HBO Europe production from the Czech Republic. The eight-episode psychological/crime drama tells of how a close-knit, multigenerational mining village is torn apart by the disappearance...
Plot: Shattered by his wife's untimely demise, Dev, a sharp and skilful detective, lives as a recluse with only a pet cat, but he uses his expertise to solve various criminal and homicide cases.
Plot: In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, police Chief Laura Frizzo opens a missing person case to find 51-year-old Chris Regan. Over the course of two-plus years, the investigation turns into a cat and mouse pursuit that ultimately snares a serial killer whom Frizzo describes as pure evil. "Dead North"...
Plot: Anne Harriman's brilliant work as chief pathologist of the pharmaceutical giant Bauer-Ritter has gained her the respect of the academic, political, and corporate worlds. She's prepared to risk it all when an old friend is murdered.
Plot: When three women from different backgrounds are forced to live within the confines of a single jail cell, they have no choice but to form a connection that soon develops into a strong bond.