Plot: Sammy and Ray are two turtles that live happily with their friends and relatives in a coral reef under the water. Desperate for an adventure, together with best friends Ricky and lively octopus Annabel they all explore the ocean together.
Plot: Famous 5: On The Case is a British/French animated television series which is currently broadcast in the United Kingdom, on the Disney Channel, and in the United States, on Qubo. It is a British and French television co-production, loosely based on The Famous Five series of books created by Enid Blyton...
Plot: Little Princess is a British children's television series created by The Illuminated Film Company. Directed by Edward Foster seasons 1 - 3, Directed by Sue Tong season 4. It debuted in the United Kingdom in 2006. Wikipedia
Plot: This children's series tells the story of anthropomorphic pig Piggley Winks. The show starts with Grandpa Piggley, in the United States, telling his three grandchildren stories about his younger days in Ireland in the 1950's. The flashbacks feature Piggley as a young lad living in Ireland with his...