Plot: Juvenile Jury is an American children's game show which originally ran on NBC from April 3, 1947, to August 1, 1954. It was hosted by Jack Barry and featured a panel of children aged ten or less giving advice to solve the problems of other children. Wikipedia
Plot: Hollywood Screen Test is an American talent show which aired on ABC from 1948 to 1953. This program holds the distinction as the first regularly broadcast television series by the American Broadcasting Company. Wikipedia
Plot: Mary Kay and Johnny is an American situation comedy starring real-life married couple Mary Kay and Johnny Stearns. It was the first sitcom broadcast on a network television in the United States. Mary Kay and Johnny initially aired live on the DuMont Television Network before moving to CBS and then...
Plot: The Morey Amsterdam Show is an American sitcom which ran from 1948รข1949 on CBS Television and 1949รข1950 on the DuMont Television Network, for a total of 71 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Once Upon a Tune is a weekly half-hour American television series that aired on the DuMont Television Network, premiering on March 6, 1951, and running to May 15, 1951. Wikipedia
Plot: Charlie Wild, Private Detective is an American old-time radio detective mystery drama. It was broadcast on NBC September 24, 1950 - December 17, 1950, and on CBS January 7, 1951 - July 1, 1951. The episodes broadcast on CBS were also carried on six stations of the Alaska Broadcasting System. Wikipedia...
Plot: Winner Takes All is a game show that aired on ITV from 20 April 1975 to 28 June 1988, first hosted by Jimmy Tarbuck from 1975 to 1986 and then hosted by Geoffrey Wheeler from 1987 to 1988. The show then returned on the screens in 1997, this time on Challenge TV hosted by Bobby Davro. Wikipedia
Plot: The Gillette Cavalcade of Sports is an American radio-turned-television program by the National Broadcasting Company that ran from 1942 to 1960. The program included broadcasts of a variety of sports, although it is primarily remembered for its focus on boxing matches. Wikipedia