Plot: Kalabsh is a 2017 Egyptian drama and suspense TV-Series directed by Peter Mimy and starring Amir Karara in the role of Sleim El-Ansary, a most confident and honest policeman. The series is based on a story written by Yousef Hasan Yousef, then dramatized and scripted by Baher Dewidar. Wikipedia
Plot: Bulut is successful and ambitious man. He works for Ferman Köklükaya, the owner of a big construction company. He is also married to Ferman's daughter, Sude. Ferman caused the death of Bulut's father, but Bulut does not know about this. Sude and Bulut have an unhappy marriage. One day, at a hotel...
Plot: The Shock of the New is a 1980 documentary television series written and presented by Robert Hughes for the BBC in association with Time-Life Films. It was produced by Lorna Pegram and she directed three of the episodes. Wikipedia