Plot: P.I.S. - Politiets indsatsstyrke is a Danish, satirical mockumentary from 2001. The show was originally broadcast on TV2 Zulu. P.I.S. pretends to be a TV-documentary about Politiets IndsatsStyrke - a caricature of the real-world Politiets Aktionsstyrke, the Danish equivalent of a SWAT team. Wikipedia...
Plot: Klovn is a Danish sitcom, which first aired on the Danish TV channel TV2 Zulu. It focuses on the life of the main character Frank and Casper. The show builds its comedy around quiet everyday situations, social awkwardness, uncomfortable silences and general faux pas. Wikipedia
Plot: This American television series follows the public and private life of Tony `Matador' Bravo. On the surface Tony appears to be a popular soccer player but he is really a highly skilled covert operative hired by the CIA. His mission for joining the LA Riot, a professional football team, is to report...
Plot: Set in Denmark and based on the novels of Elsebeth Egholm, this series follows a crime reporter named Dicte Svendsen who has moved back to her hometown of Aarhus with her teenage daughter following a difficult divorce. A sociable character, Svendsun enjoys nothing more than meeting up with her friends...
Plot: This Danish drama series focuses on the Second Schleswig War between the Kingdom of Denmark and the German Confederation. In the middle of the 19th century, two brothers, Laust and Peter, grow up in poor conditions in south Funen, away from other troubled lands. Their father returns home after a three...